Leadership & Management

Adapt to change!

Train your leadership skills

We live in a world where VUCA factors (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) are part of everyday reality. Specifically, we live in an insecure world, with uncertain markets and fast day-to-day fluctuations. A standard business plan and certain leadership techniques that have been predictable for years in the past, may now become irrelevant overnight.

Adapt to current changes and then build a new organizational architecture for the company's development. We know it sometimes can sound easy and intuitive, but experience shows us that it requires know-how and a lot of hard work. Brightway® specialists help you with a complex program that includes Diagnosis, Consultancy and a set of Leadership and Management Training modules. We refer only to the best techniques, to the newest tools in management & leadership, and with us ,you will learn how to apply them directly in your team, on time.

Why is a Leadership & Management Course useful in the actual context?

You inspire the actions you want from others. Your leadership skills and those of the leaders in your team, truly determine the future of the organization.

The Brightway® Leadership and Management development courses and programs we offer are a lifetime investment that gives you know-how, management process repositioning strategies, and leadership skills. You are not born a leader, you have to learn to become one, so all your management decisions will be reflected in the business results of the organization.

Leadership & Management

Finance for NonFinance

Train yourself to make decisions based on financial information in an interactive business simulation and learn how to interpret the financial indicators you work with.

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Strategic leadership

Strategic Leadership consists of practical training in the art of leadership. Define your direction and be an inspiration for those around you!

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First time manager

The First Time Manager training is focused on developing leadership skills for people who do not have management experience, have recently been promoted or will occupy a leading position in their organization.

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Change Management

Changes occur with an exponential higher rate today than a few years ago, and they are part of daily normality. Find out how can you create adaptative strategies to navigate to your goals in todays' context.

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Strategic marketing

Test new promotion techniques and create marketing strategies to increase the value of the brand you represent.

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Project management

How can you effectively manage your projects in your organization in the current context? Participating in practical and interactive Project Management training.

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The most recent Testimonials
Feedback is always very important to us. See what the participants think about our programs, how they managed to apply the tools they received, and what was the practical usefulness of the concepts learned.
Brightway®️ - peste 15 ani de experienta in cursuri de management
La Brightway®️, cream, in cadrul programelor de leadership/training management, mai mult decat sefi, inca din anul 2004. Un sef porunceste si traseaza ordine, pe cand un adevarat conducator inspira si arata, prin puterea exemplului. Aducem plus valoare postului pe care il ocupi sau pe care urmeaza sa il ocupi si te invatam tehnici prin care sa iti apropii angajati, atat din punct de vedere profesional, cat si personal, in cadrul intalnirilor informale (spre exemplu, organizarea unui team building).
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Programe de dezvoltare organizațională și soluții inovatoare care te ajută să câștigi timp, bani și înțelepciune.
Strada Popa Nan, nr. 171, Bucuresti
0745 755 484
  1. Leadership & Management