

How does it work?

A unique concept in Romania whereby the 5 senses are activated and deactivated through different challenges, all for a dose of status awareness and diversity.

The five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and touch represent how the human body receives sensory information.

Throughout the activity we play with the senses one by one to stimulate our active senses.
As we go through each sense, we notice the fear of losing it: fear of going blind, fear of going deaf, these are very real fears. So is the fear of sudden change, of a new project or lack of it.





What does the team get?

A unique experience where each team member realizes the importance of each part of the process and how each resource is essential to success. Thrills, fun and lots of novelty!
Major awareness on both a personal and team level.
 Deeply experience new feelings and sensations.
We connect with others like never before.
We translate awareness into real life through debriefing.
We realize the importance of lacking certain resources, but also the value of what we have.
We have a lot of fun "losing" such common skills.
We create even closer bonds as a team by discovering how much we need each other.
✓ We have moments of deep introspection that inevitably lead to our growth as people.
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Programe de dezvoltare organizațională și soluții inovatoare care te ajută să câștigi timp, bani și înțelepciune.
Strada Popa Nan, nr. 171, Bucuresti
0745 755 484
  1. 5ENSES